Monday, June 14, 2010

World Cup Crajiness!!!

Saturday we went to Seoul so Ben (and Chelsie) could take the FSOT (Foreign Service Officer Test). Both took the practice test and did fairly well so we are hoping for the best, results will be posted in about 3 weeks.

Saturday evening 8:30pm our time Korea was to play their first game in the World Cup against Greece. Chelsie told us the place to be was at City Hall in downtown so we decided to check it out...

Ben now understands and got to experience first hand what football means to the rest of the world... here are the pics to prove it:

we spent 3,000W to get our ponchos and my horns the rest we got for FREE!!! People were just wondering through the crowd handing out glow sticks we have several each as well as sparklers. It was just one huge party. Good times great memories!

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