Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year from Seoul!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope it will be as special for you as it was for us.

Today we got up bright and early at 12:30pm, because our heavenly king size bed didn't wake us up. I was joking with Amy and I asked if she was in the same bed with me last night. It was like we each had our own queen size bed, it was a beautiful thing. But after we finally broke free from our bed, we went hunting for some grub. And found a restaurant in the Hyundai department store called Suji's which specialized in brunch, to Amy's great delight. I got a bacon and cheddar omelette and Amy had french toast, eggs, and sausage along with a lovely cup of strong coffee. There was also a ton of other foods to pick from in the department store, Amy caught some of the highlights on camera. Amy said it looked like Harrod's in London, incredibly decadent selections of food and drink and floors and floors of high end merchandise.

Heres another picture from our hotel, this time showing off the mountains around the city.

Also, Ian we found a Sbarro in the mall, and took a picture for you. If you want we can get you an application.

Later on we hopped onto the metro and headed back to downtown Seoul to check out the New Year's festivities. Much like yesterday it was freezing, and I mean 5 degrees Fahrenheit freezing with a vicious wind. Believe it or not Amy found the only Brazilian restaurant in all South Korea, and it was a Brazilian Steak House. Unfortunately it was also fully booked, so we had to settle for T.G.I Fridays. Here are some of the pictures from downtown, see if you can find a massive Starbucks. Sorry some are blurry it was so cold downtown it was hard to keep a steady hand.

Finally, it was time to head over to our New Year's Eve party at the Grand Sheraton on Walkerhill's Ice Rink, and it was absolutely wonderful, cold but wonderful! The ice rink was outside on top of a hill overlooking the Han River. There was a live band and lights everywhere. We even got new winter hats, this time they are white tiger hats, very cute. Here are some pictures and even a video of our time at the ice rink.

And once the clock struck 12:00 there was fireworks as well.

I don't think it could have been anymore perfect, well maybe except the sub zero temperatures. It was defiantly a New Year's we both will not forget!

I'm really excited about tomorrow because I can watch almost all the college football bowls! And one final note, today I got a shiny puffy vest, I know its not that manly, but a necessity in Korea to blend in (And I secretly love it!) God Bless and enjoy the rest of 2009 those of you in the US, because we're already enjoying 2010!


Karen said...

Happy New Year, Amy & Ben - here's to a happy and healthy 2010! Loved the photos of Seoul!

Kurt said...
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Kurt said...

We are definitely jealous of all the fun and adventures you are experiencing in South Korea and hey, it is no fair we still have 6 hours until new years. The pictures are great it is wonderful to see you guys having so much fun. The hotel room rivals any I have been in!